Oct 5 2024
Breaking The Cycle Screening + Electoral Forum
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Gateway Cineplex, Quezon City
(With PAHRA)
In this electoral forum, we imagine: What if the people truly had a choice? What if our votes championed a people-centered agenda instead of a popular leader? What if we held elected leaders accountable? And the truly hard question: What narratives and behaviors need to be transformed to get there?
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Gateway Cineplex, Quezon City
(With PAHRA)
The Digital Museum of Martial Law in the Philippines is an immersive, critical, and creative virtual space for historical education about the Martial Law era.
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM | Rappler Studio
(With Cartooning for Peace, French Embassy, and Rappler)