Breaking The Cycle Screening + Electoral Forum
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Gateway Cineplex, Quezon City
(With PAHRA)
A joint project of The Good Media Network and Änderwerk (Germany) and DAKILA and its Active Vista Center (Philippines), the Cross-Culture Program Synergy fosters cross-cultural dialogue, understanding, and collaboration between civil society organizations in Germany and the Philippines through social impact filmmaking. Supported by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), the collaboration brings into the spotlight two documentary films: Holy Shit directed by Rubén Abruña (Germany), and Delikado directed by Karl Malakunas (Philippines) to demonstrate the power of films to transform minds and inspire actions.
What happens to the food we digest after it leaves our bodies? Is it waste to be discarded or a resource to be reused? In search of answers, director Rubén Abruña embarks on an investigative and entertaining quest through 16 cities on 4 continents.
Director Rubén Abruña meets the Poop Pirates from Uganda who through work and songs teach folks how to turn feces into safe fertilizer. In rural Sweden, an engineer shows him a dry toilet that makes fertilizer from urine. In Hamburg and Geneva, he discovers residential areas, not connected to sewers, that generate power and fertilizer from poop and pee. In the end, he finds answers to sustainably reuse human excreta that increase global food security and mitigate climate change.
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Gateway Cineplex, Quezon City
(With PAHRA)
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM | Harong, PRRM Building, 56 Mother Ignacia Ave, Quezon City
(With The Virgin Labfest, Cultural Center of the Philippines, The Writer’s Bloc, Tanghalang Pilipino, COMMUNE, Human Rights and People Empowerment Center, and RESBAK)
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Sine Pop, Quezon City
(With Philippine Educational Theatre Association and Asia Democracy Network)
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Gateway Cineplex, Quezon City