Kubrador (The Bet Collector)

by Jeffrey Jeturian

Drama | 1 hr 38 min  | 2006 | Philippines

Language: Filipino
Subtitles: English




Revolves around ”jueteng”, the game of numbers dating back to the Philippines” Spanish colonial period (1521-1898). It chronicles three days in the life of Amelita, a jueteng kubrador or bet collector. Despite the regular crackdown on this illegal game, she continues to collect bets from her regular patrons every day. On the third day, a holiday, she takes a break from work and visits the grave of her soldier son who perished in war–It is All Saint’s Day. One day she is apprehended by the police. She joins the other kubradors in the police station until their handler bails them out. The following morning, Amelita returns to the streets and continues her clandestine activity. She meets the parish priest who informs her of a young neighbor”s sudden death in an accident. He asks her to collect donations from neighbors and friends. But then, a series of events turns her mundane existence into a perplexing game of life, luck and death.



Jeffrey Jeturian, a communication arts product of the University of the Philippines, started as a production assistant for Marilou Diaz Abaya’s Alyas Baby Tsina (1984). His film carreer includes script supervisor, production designer, television director and as film director. His first two films, Sana pag-ibig na (1998) (Enter Love) and _Pila-balde (2000)_ (Fetch a Pail of Water) are both critically acclaimed. Pila-balde bagged a round of overseas honors – Gold Prize, 2000 Houston-Worldfest (Texas, USA) International Film Festival; NETPAC Jury Prize, 1999 Cinemanila International Film Festival; exhibition in Lincoln Center in the United States as well as in other countries such as Sweden, Germany, France, Bangladesh, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Colombia, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Italy. Variety, the United States’ entertainment bible, carried in its recent issue a feature on Jeffrey. His third film, Larger Than Life (2001), is also award-winning.

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